Is your computer making funny noises or overheating? Let us open it up and give it a detail so it purrs and shines like a high end sports car. Keyboard sticking? letters missing? We’ll sort that out and raid the alphabet to get you back writing your love letters and business proposals in no time. Power jack not letting the AC/DC through we’ll fix that so you can get back to listening to Thunderstruck in a flash. Battery acting like a boring paper weight? Well let us recharge your system so you can get back on the go again. Motherboard not mothering any more? Let us re-marry your hardware together so you can get back to creating those lifetime memories


Does your laptop have dead pixels or bright spots called screen bruising? does it look like your screen had ink going across? these are all signs of a faulty/damaged lcd screen. At Schlau Tech we can repair these issues with quick turn around times. Get in contact today for a free qoute